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Tuesday, 11 August 2020 15:52

Plan Your Professional and Personal Development

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Personal and Professional Development are not an event, but a journey. We can never say, "We're done!" There is always something to learn for those with an open and enquiring mind. Don't leave your development to chance and other people's agendas. It's one of your most important assetts and something you are definitely and infinitely in control of. Take charge and consciously plot your own growth.

  • Plan your professional and personal development for the year.
  • Put in the rocks – key events that you really want to attend or achieve.
  • Plan your own year, and do the same for your team and your businmess or organisation – goals, action plans – start the year with a clear idea of where you’re going.
  • Develop the habit of recognition and reward in those around you. Catch them doing right and let them know. This builds strong loyal teams who will be there for the long haul.
  • Uplift and develop the people around you.
  • Increase your own skills. What trainings do you want to attend?
  • Develop your networking skills – this is a highly underrated life skill. Much of our success is based on social and business connections that are nurtured and treated with integrity. The more people you know, the greater your influence.
  • What virtual or actual books do you read? Develop your library.
  • Improve your communication and people skills – success depends on them. Life is largely about the art of influence and how well you connect with others. You may not sell actual products, but you sell yourself constantly. People do business with people they know and like.
  • Relationships – build and nurture. Life is tough for the Lone Ranger. We are where we are because of the people we have connected with, who enabled, opened doors, created connections etc for us. We rarely achieve without others.
  • Improve your levels of happiness and optimism. Pessimists struggle through life and everything is a mission. Happiness and optimism are infectious and buoy up people around you. And happiness is now proven to be a huge factor in success ie happy people are more successful – read The Happiness Advantage by Shawn Achor.
  • Read The Surprising Science of Motivation by Daniel Pink. Studies show that money is a poor motivator and only works well in a narrow band of circumstances. Autonomy, Mastery and Purpose are far stronger motivators than anything else. How can you develop a culture where more of this is possible for your people?
  • Motivation is important in maintaining any behavioural change to help you through the tough times. If your reason why you’re doing what you do isn’t compelling enough, it’s not going to stick.
  • Don’t be derailed by short term setbacks. Persistence and resilience pay off.
  • Enjoy your year!

    Read 491 times Last modified on Thursday, 04 March 2021 12:41

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